Welcome to the website of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Christ, Kirchdorf.
You are heartily invited to join us for divine services on Sundays! The Congregation of Christ Kirchdorf is a member congregation of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa (FELSISA), a confessional, independent Lutheran church body tracing its heritage and legacy back to the Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther and to the early Christian church.
We confess the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be God’s revelation and His reliable, inspired, and inerrant Word given to us human beings. As Christians, we live by God’s grace as revealed to humankind in Jesus Christ.
We hold to the Lutheran Confessions as recorded in the Book of Concord of 1580 as a faithful and true exposition of Christian doctrine taught in the biblical writings. In our divine services, we cherish the historic liturgy of the Christian church and celebrate continuity with the saints of God in heaven and on earth. Our divine services are held in German.
If you are in the area and would like to attend confessional Lutheran services on Sunday mornings in English, you are heartily invited to visit Our Saviour Lutheran Church, our daughter congregation here in Wartburg. Their services begin at 08:30.
Pastor Dr. Karl Böhmer
Service Times
Confession – 08:30
Service – 09:00